The 3 step methodology I use

Pragmatic consultancy is rooted in theory and practices from diverse fields. As the world changes, so does my understanding of it. I take pride and pleasure in constantly learning and upgrading my skills, especially in the field of managing complexity.
Consultancy is about applying methodology to real-life situations. Your teams have the process expertise and deep understanding of the process and I will bring the tools and techniques to leverage this often uptapped source of knowledge. I use rational and logical methods for technical problem-solving, empathy and creative problem-solving techniques for interpersonal situations.
The advantage of using a mthodology is that it can be taught and transferred. Your teams can learn to become autonomous in the use of tools and techniques that I bring, thus building your organisational capabilities.
I like to use several founding principles in my work because I believe that solid foundations are necessary to build a system that can deliver sustainable performance.
Founding Principles
I apply these founding principles in my daily life and to every consultancy mission. I seek to:
- Bring structure and process to unstable or chaotic situations.
- Bring in flexibility and agility when the organisation is too rigid to innovate.
- Establish or consolidate solid foundations before managing complexity.
- Build a culture that supports the desired outcomes.
- Engage with you with a hands-on approach.
- Inspire with relevant examples from other companies and contexts to open possibilities.
- Provide solutions tailored to your context, no one size fits all!
- Help you manage your organisational polarities (individual needs :: collective needs, human :: technology, purpose :: profit, etc.). Poorly managed polarities are the source of many internal conflicts, employee disengagement, and waste of resources.
- Give you a systems approach from individual to teams to organisation to environment. This allows us to focus on high impact levers for change and effectively manage your available resources.
A Three Step Methodology:
- Understand what is already working well and aligned with your desired objectives.
- Understand the rich expertise and experience that your employees have.
- Fully understanding your needs, challenges and goals with regard to your current situation.
- Design a desired future state. This can be for you or with your teams.
- Create a transformation and implementation strategy based on the most effective systemic levers that have been identified during the diagnostic.
Implementation Phase
- Hands on consulting, actively participating in the implementation.
- On the job training – all training actions are linked to the implementation and require the participants to put into practice what they have learnt.
- One on one or group coaching
- Building capability in your teams as we go along so your teams can become autonomous.
Follow-up and Feedback
- Monitoring the results, capturing shifts and weak signals in the organisation.
- Seeing how the system reacts and making adjustments as needed.
- Capturing the learnings, extending to other teams, functions or sites.
- Assessing the level of autonomy of the teams in the capability building.
- Before and after situation evaluation to measure the effectiveness of the intervention.
What I aim to achieve when consulting.
To create alignment so that each person knows how and where to contribute to the end goal with the necessary means to do so. Aligned teams create so much more impact with less resources.

A practical example of how to create alignment.
Team vision et values created in Lego® Serious Play® and displayed in the board room as a reminder of the management’s commitment to the team. This was accompanied by one-to-one coaching on the job to help managers lead by example with these values on a daily basis.
Beyond promises, examples of action

A management team reflecting upon their current state and ambition. A moment to come together and align on what currently exists before creating a desirable future.