As our students in Victoria province, Australia, experience some trepidation in returning to online learning, there is some encouragement in having received such positive feedback from parents, teachers and students saying LifeLab online is something they can look forward to amongst the angst of lock-down Round 2.
One parent shared; “It is a fantastic blend of learning language, literacy, developing fine motor skills and encouraging creativity all at the same time.” She thought her daughter associated the LEGO activities (used in the Lego® Serious Play® method) with play and didn’t realise she was learning so much along the way.
Having parents working in the background as part of our remote classroom has become a new norm. A parent observed her daughter in a LifeLab lesson about how we work out if something is a problem, was pleased to be a “part of their child’s learning in Life”. Involving parents has become a new inspiration for us.
“All abilities and learning styles are catered for in this program making it highly appealing to me as a parent. With my daughter being a highly creative and visual learner, her needs were supported, she was engaged, and she thrived.”
Whilst there is an expectation of teachers to meet the curriculum learning outcomes, no matter which way it is delivered, we also need to keep the (unwritten) expectation in mind – that students are engaged in and curious about relevant learning.
“….the program encourages life long learners. Learners that are ready for their future. LifeLab is a great resource for life.”