We were thrilled to follow the Easter Bunny’s tracks but this time to safely deliver the LEGO kits to the letterboxes of students so they could participate in the Life Lab online program which launched this week!

Providing the students with the tools and facilitating the program live online enabled them to continue learning Life skills, connect with their fellow peers and be given the opportunity to share their own experiences and express themselves.

In these challenging times for children and families home-schooling, it was wonderful to see so many students enthusiastically ‘turn up’ to class online, taking responsibility for their own learning and engaged.

Thank you to all those off screen grown-ups in the background being an example and a resource for problem solving; making screens work, mute buttons flick and reconnecting their children when the hang up button is mistaken for the volume control.

As one of our delightful families shared;

A big THANK YOU for organising the Life Lab Lego session this week. Knotmename*  really enjoyed your session, especially to be able to work with Lego, see his friends on the screen and working with his classmates again put a huge smile on his face. It was awesome to see.

*Names were modified for students’ privacy. 🙂