Have you ever wondered whether you should put milk before cereals, or vice versa, or even if it matters? The cart before the horse, that’s clear, but what about the rest? We can draw a parallel with your organisation: how do you go about improving your performance?
Are you seeking to improve your financial situation?
If we look at your organisation as a system, you have 3 main levers for improving your profitability: improving your production and sales flows (throughput), reducing inventory and cutting costs.
Which one do you think is the most frequently used lever?
Yes, cost reduction! Often followed by inventory reduction.
This may seem counter-intuitive, but the potential for improving your flows, and therefore generating money, is far greater than the potential for reducing costs and inventory.
As people in the field will tell you, reducing costs and inventory is often done at the expense of the ability to deliver quality and quantity. Unfortunately, this is a collateral effect of fragmenting a system in which everything is interconnected.
Focusing on impactful action
Yinsight identifies the factors that limit your performance, whether they relate to technology, your processes or human relations. We propose a targeted action aimed at acting on what limits you the most. Once this first constraint has been removed, we move on to the next.
The advantage of this systemic approach is that it doesn’t involve the whole company, your busy employees or your already stretched resources. So we can target interventions where they will be most relevant, and kick-start a transformation that you can sustain.
With the economic climate getting tighter by the day, could this approach be of interest to you?
Do you have any issues you’d like to discuss?
I’d be delighted to arrange a no-obligation meeting with you to see whether a systems approach might be of interest to you.