what I do as a consultant

what I do as a consultant

Although I apply relatively conventional methodologies in my coaching, I’m often described as bringing a unique and innovative perspective to the table. 🚀 First of all, I don’t offer a one-size-fits-all product; it’s always a tailor-made offer. Each...
Lego therapy

Lego therapy

I recently trained a therapist in using the Lego® Serious Play® methodology in her practice, with spectacular results! Why use games, and Lego® bricks in particular, to help people talk more freely in therapy? Patients sometimes find it difficult to share their...
Help! My boss wants to brainstorm

Help! My boss wants to brainstorm

Help! My boss wants to hold a brainstorming session! 🙄 Don’t worry, death by Post-It is not inevitable! You are not condemned to endure a session in which you have to come up with something just to pretend you’re inspired… Depending on how you think, it can...
My work with a local ESAT

My work with a local ESAT

How does Yinsight contribute, in it’s own and at a local level, to the community? Here’s an example: after each Lego Serious Play workshop that I run, I subcontract the sorting and repackaging of the Lego parts kits to a local ESAT. This establishment provides...
Involvement consultant

Involvement consultant

In my consulting approach, I like to get involved alongside the teams. If you’re asking for help, I want to provide the support you need. What makes the difference in my approach is that I’m a hands-on person, I go where the value takes place, where I can fully...
Why wait until an emergency to consult a doctor?

Why wait until an emergency to consult a doctor?

When it comes to health, there are times when you have symptoms but don’t pay much attention to them. Until our body calls us to order and it becomes a problem. When that happens, there’s no choice but to consult a doctor, is there? In the worst cases, we...


Do you remember the television advertisment for Mc Cain’s French fries in the early 1990s? The slogan was “Those who talk the least, eat the most”. For years now, we’ve been talking about a VUCA world Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous...
CPP (Cognitive Process Profile)

CPP (Cognitive Process Profile)

How do you assess a person’s ability to adapt to an unfamiliar environment? How do you know if a future member of your team will be able to adapt to the new environment? Will the person you wish to promote be able to handle the increased level of complexity? 🧐 A...
Systemic approach

Systemic approach

During my work with Roche, I was able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the systemic approach. Systemic thinking means considering elements/teams in dynamic inter-relationship, analyzing the nature of these relationships, and finding pragmatic and creative ways to...
Parenting Up

Parenting Up

In 2018, I had the pleasure of collaborating on a project using the fundamentals of coaching and creative problem solving to co-create a parenting value-based coaching system with Ismet Mamnoon called Parenting Up ⏫ I met Ismet at a conference on creativity and...