EQ-i 2.0/EQ 360 Certification

EQ-i 2.0/EQ 360 Certification

“Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we: Perceive and express ourselves Develop and maintain social relationships Cope with challenges Use emotional information in an effective and meaningful...

Summer break

It’s that time of year! Yinsight is taking a break, to focus, refill its creativity bucket, leave space for intuition, and learn in a different manner. I will come back fresh and ready to serve your needs as from August 20th. If you’re also planning a...

From concept to action

20180716_113519 Starting small with A Lego Serious Play exploration bag 20180716_142334 Diverging individually 20180716_142346 Exploring concepts 20180716_153617 Idea convergence phase 20180717_165714 Converger entre équipes 20180717_170528 Building common meaning...

Learning from the sandbox

I’m a great Lego Serious Play advocate. I believe that Lego bricks make it same for teams to express difficulties, concepts, talk about unspoken matters and taboos. Using metaphors is one of the most powerful technique to bring teams together. As part of my own...

Our online Parenting Up course is now available!

What does it mean to Parent Up? “Parenting up” is a term that we (Ismet and Mark) created. We believe that it is what needs to happen as part of growing up. When we are at a stage in our lives when we assume responsibility for others, our job is not only to help our...